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Chart Title

Chart Title: This video contains how to make changes of chart Title in AIV.


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Read 5 minutes tutorial here.

dash box

  1. Chart title is used to add title into a chart, to enable chart title user needs to click on toggle button and make it true.

    dash box

✒️ The function control will appear as user clicks on toggle button as shown in the above figure.

  • Text control used to add title text in chart widget, it will be added automatically on top of the pie chart by default.
  • Font Size used to add font size as per user requirements.
  • Font Weight controls the weight of font in chart title.
  • Color control Used to add color in chart title, you can also add color code to add color option in chart.
  • Align control used to set title alignment in widget from Left, Right, or Center.
  • Backgound control Used to add background color in chart title.
  • Background Opacity used to set opacity of the background color in widget.

✒️ To know more about other formatting properties click on below links:-

1. Formatting Property

2. Chart Appearance

3. Chart Tooltip

4. Color and Theme Property

5. Dynamic Dataset Color

6. Export Filename

7. Global Thousand and Decimal Separator

8. Include Null Value